February 02, 2007
Powder Coating Department
HOOVEN Philippines, Inc.
7th Floor Strata Bldg.
Attention: Mr. Harvey Henderson, Manager, Powder Coating Department
Dear Sir:
Subject: Fluorocarbon Coating of Structural Aluminum Materials
Due to my desire to accomplish my research paper to be submitted on February 16, 2007, I write this letter to ask for a brochure and illustrations about Fluorocarbon Coating of Structural Aluminum Materials. With that brochure and illustration, I can gather such pertinent data that I need regarding on that topic.
I appreciate your response about this matter.
Very Truly Yours,
Marvin O. Gonda
Civil Engineering Student
The Translate Into Indonesian
02 Februari, 2007
Departemen Powder Coating
Hooven Filipina, Inc
Strata 7th Floor Jl.
Perhatian: Mr Harvey Henderson, Manajer Departemen Powder Coating
Hormat Saya,
Perihal: Bahan Struktural Fluorocarbon Coating Aluminium
Karena keinginan saya untuk menyelesaikan penelitian saya tentang kertas untuk diserahkan pada 16 Februari 2007, saya menulis
Saya menghargai tanggapan Anda tentang hal ini.
Hormat Kami,
Marvin O. Gonda
Siswa Teknik Sipil
Tahun kedua,